Death Wish


Act 4:

The next morning the police department was quiet . The men were talking about last night football match.
Suddenly a young officer got into the room shouting. Two fellows asked him- What is going on with you? The young man answered- ¨I was doing my patrol when I heard a shot coming from a nearby building¨. ¨We must go there¨. The officers took their guns and hats and ran away.
When the officers got into the house they found a corpse in the
Bedroom with a note in his hand. The paper said¨I can´t live
this life anymore, I can´t hold this lie any longer, I pushed Susan downstairs and she just died.Now my life is miserable and I think the cops are following me, may be not but that isn´t important at
this moment. The gun I`ve bought it´s gonna be very useful, oh! By the way...there are 99 bullets in the box under my bed. I hope the police will find them.
About the whatever you want with it!
Goodbye everybody,
Edward Wright.¨